Airspace Managers

ANRA provides technology to manage airspace for unmanned aircraft for safe, secure, and scalable operations for UTM and UAM applications. 

Flying Beyond Visual Line-of-Site (BVLOS) requires developing a safety case for approval by the regulator.  ANRA CTR will help reduce air and ground risk by providing information about other airspace participants. CTR incorporates intelligent algorithms that provide deconfliction services while drones are monitored for conformance with stakeholder alerts for off-nominal events. Our micro-services design allows for easier integration and updates to rapidly adapt to new markets or updates to regulations.

Operating eVTOL unmanned aircraft in rural or urban environments require a safe, resilient and proven airspace management system to enable advanced air mobility flight operations.  Our platform allows competent authorities to access data while ensuring privacy and data protection by incorporating aviation grade Information Security Management processes.  ANRA UAM will evolve with regulations, ensuring users of our technology can deploy confidently with an airspace manager partner that will provide the highest quality of safety and service for the foreseeable future.