Simulation Services

A simulation capability for operating aircraft within a live or virtual environment to create a digital twin experience for UTM or UAM activities.
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Fleet Management

The platform allows organizations to quickly log operations with multiple flights. It enables tracking and reporting data that matter to your business.
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Data Fusion

ANRA FUSION integrates radar, ADS-B, FLARM, etc. to produce a more consistent, accurate, and useful surveillance information than that provided by any individual data source.
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Airspace Managers

ANRA provides technology to manage airspace for unmanned aircraft for safe, secure, and scalable operations for UTM and UAM applications.
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Defense and Security

ANRA advanced airspace management technology on the edge or in the cloud for government agencies that require higher levels of access security and resiliency. 
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Drone Service Providers

Create new projects and assign defined roles to users across the enterprise and share the information with stakeholders inside and outside the organization. Easily integrate ANRA cloud with existing enterprise systems leveraging our highly experienced team
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