Media Coverage

June 2021

Urban Air Mobility Division of Hyundai Motor Group and ANRA Technologies Launch Partnership to Develop Advanced Air Mobility Air Traffic Operating Environment

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The Urban Air Mobility Division of Hyundai Motor Group announced today a new partnership with ANRA Technologies — a leading international provider of end-to-end drone operations and traffic management solutions for unmanned system operators and airspace managers — to begin developing the operating environment for the advanced air mobility (AAM) industry.

February 2021

Flying cars over Europe by 2022 Read More
Urban air mobility is about to get a major showcase, changing the way we think about traversing cities
Medical Drone Delivery Network Under Development in the UK Read More
The Care & Equity-Healthcare Logistics UAS Scotland (CAELUS) consortium is working to develop a first-of-its-kind distribution network in the UK, leveraging drones to transport essential medicine, organs, blood and other medical supplies throughout Scotland. 

January 2021

Ajay Modha takes on the role of GUTMA Standards Lead

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Ajay Modha, Business Unit Head, ANRA Technologies UK, has become the new Standards Lead for the Global Unmanned Traffic Management Association (GUTMA).

December 2020

Drone Remote Identification Service Launched in Switzerland Read More
ANRA Technologies, in conjunction with the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) and Swiss U-Space Implementation (SUSI), has launched its ANRA DroneID service that can be used to remotely identify unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) anywhere in Switzerland.
Beyond Working UTM: How Supplementary Services Could Benefit the Industry Read More
The drone industry is aware that a functioning Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) system is necessary to integrate drones into the airspace.  Beyond UTM, however, there is significant potential for supplemental services that come out of a UTM framework.

November 2020

Drones will swarm our skies when these 3 things happen

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Drone makers have to convince us that airborne burritos and transplant organs are worth the noise and privacy invasion.

October 2020

ANRA Technologies’ MissionManager Reduces Costs, Risks, and Time-to-Market Through a Suite of Advanced Features for Enterprise and Service Providers

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Earlier this year, ANRA Technologies launched ANRA, a UTM platform for pilots to obtain approval for drone operations within controlled or sensitive airspace using a simple mobile application or web portal. Now, ANRA introduced MissionManager, a secure cloud-based platform that integrates fleet management, compliance, risk mitigation, flight automation, data capture, and analysis into a single platform.

September 2020

ANRA Technologies Launches Drone Flight Management System

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Unmanned aerial system management firm ANRA Technologies released the ANRA MissionManager. Building upon years of experience developing and deploying its drone operations software platform, MissionManager is a turnkey drone operations solution that integrates fleet management, compliance, risk mitigation, flight automation, data capture and analysis into a single platform.

August 2020

Scaling up for Unmanned Traffic Management

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Amit talks about Anra Technologies’ UTM and Mission Management system, how it can help enterprise companies safely and efficiently scale operations and the future of unmanned traffic management.

June 2020

ANRA Technologies Partners with Swiggy to Bring Food Delivery to India

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A recent partnership with ANRA Technologies, a provider of end-to-end drone operations and traffic management solutions, shows Swiggy, a food ordering and delivery platform in India, hasn’t deviated from its mission “to make life easier by changing the way India eats – all with just a tap”.
DGCA Permits Dunzo, Swiggy And Zomato To Test Drone Delivery Services: Report

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The food delivery startups, Zomato, Swiggy and Dunzo are among the companies that have received special permission to conduct experimental flights in order to test their drone-based food delivery services.

April 2020

ANRA Technologies Introduces ANRA™: Drone Airspace Authorization Platform

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ANRA announces a family of software services designed to allow drone pilots to get nearly instant authorization to fly in airport control zones.
Video: Amit Ganjoo Details the New ANRA Drone Airspace Authorization Platform from ANRA Technologies

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Announced today, the new ANRA(TM) platform from ANRA Technologies allows drone pilots to obtain approval for drone operations within controlled or sensitive airspace using a simple mobile application or web portal.
Meet Our Members – Amit Ganjoo, ANRA Technologies

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ANRA aims to be the lead domain expert for Unmanned Airspace Management with a hyper focus on safety. They believe an effective and safe airspace management capability is critical to gaining public trust.
US regulator grants exemption for drone flight during lockdown

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The US Federal Aviation Administration has offered its first coronavirus-related waiver for drone flight, allowing an oil and gas company in Houston, Texas, to use unmanned aircraft instead of humans to inspect its facilities while staff remain confined in lockdown.

March 2020

NASA moves forward with 17 companies as part of bid to transform urban aerial transportation

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NASA and a clutch of startup and established companies are moving forward with plans to transform mobility in urban environments through the Urban Air Mobility Grand Challenge.
CORONAVIRUS: Why you still can’t get drone package deliveries?

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Chances are it’s one of the two, as the fabled drone has yet to take off in a particularly big way. As the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, it seems a perfect opportunity to let these flying machines soar – so why aren’t they filling the sky?

February 2020

India needs to leverage drone lessons from across the globe: Amit Ganjoo

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There are plenty of other technologies out there that have the potential to cause far more damage. I worry more about how implementations and frameworks around drones will get fragmented globally, where every nation tries to reinvent the wheel, says Ganjoo.
TEDx Talk: Future of Drones and Airborne Autonomy by Amit Ganjoo

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Why do humans need to do mundane jobs like pizza delivery? Welcome to the future where drones will deliver your pizza, medicines, and even humans! Listen to this talk to know more about the future of drones from the drone expert.