Meet us at the ICAO AAM Symposium in Montreal Sep 9 - 12. Contact us to schedule a meeting or a demo.
Meet us at the ICAO AAM Symposium in Montreal Sep 9 - 12. Contact us to schedule a meeting or a demo.

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ANRA wins Two FAA contracts with Shared Ceiling of $2.27 Billion

ANRA is on two separate winning teams (Crown Consulting and Booze Allen Hamilton) for the SETIS portfolio, (Systems Engineering and Technical Innovative Solutions), one of the largest FAA has ever awarded. SETIS provides a broad range of research, service analysis, strategic planning, systems engineering, technical, financial, and programmatic support services, and other aviation related support services, that will enable the FAA to accomplish its modernization, Mission Support, and other aviation related mission objectives.

The potential 10-year, $2.27 billion award is an FAA-wide contract vehicle, accessible to all FAA lines of business. It replaces and consolidates the current SE2020 and SE2025 contract vehicles.

The SETIS contracts were awarded in June 2022 and run through 2032, if all options are exercised. Task Orders may extend up to 12 months beyond the expiration date of the Base contracts.


Leida Mejia